This shirt has gotten a lot of laughs from other staff members! Thank you to Lulu's Vinyl & Gifts for another awesome shirt! Use code "kindercrazy" to get 10% off your order! |
Virtual Learning: Round 2
It’s Spooky Week! 👻
Celebrating holidays at school is one of my most favorite things about teaching kindergarten! We love dress up days and parties and all the other fun activities that come along with it! Everyone (and by "everyone" I mean ALL kindergarteners😂) is always hyped up about the holidays, so we may as well ride out that excitement and make it fun!
Things will go a little different this year since all the kiddos are home and we are back to virtual learning. So, I'm going to have to work a little harder to make things fun for them this week. It's a little tougher to plan things and make sure they have materials they need, but I was able to come up with some fun activities on short notice--thank you TPT! LOL
I decided to choose five books that the kids typically love to read this time of year, and send home activities centered around them. This will throw some festive fun into each day leading up to Halloween next Saturday! In addition to these fun activities, I plan to demonstrate some fun science experiments for them to observe (normally we would get to do them together at school) and we are even having a Virtual Costume Party on Friday!
1. There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Bat
I really didn't have time to create something new, so I was so excited to find all kinds of super cute activities to go along with this book on TPT. I decided to send the kids this adorable interactive sequencing activity they could do while I was reading the story, and they can use it to retell the story again and again at home! Watch my Instagram for pictures of actual student work I'll post this week so you can see how they did!
2.The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything
There was a whole set of fun activities to go along with this book, but I just chose one craftivity to send home to my students. They will get to listen to the story, then put together the pieces to make their own scarecrow and then match the sounds to the object from the story. Get the set of activities here and watch for me to post some students examples this week on my Instagram account!
This is a very popular choice right now since there is an animated version on Netflix. It's super cute and the kids are loving it any time of year! I can't wait to share the book with my class and see how this cute witch craftivity turns out for them! Be sure to keep an eye on my Instagram account this week and I'll show you how they turn out!
Math Toolkits
Distance learning. Virtual learning. Whatever you call it, I'm back to it after two and a half weeks with all my kiddos in the classroom. 😔 All of my students are logging on from home each day and I've been doing a live reading and math lesson daily to keep them on track and in routine. In addition to the live sessions, I record videos as needed and they complete other activities during the day and submit on Google Classroom.
I will be the first to admit that this is hard. Hard for me. Hard for the students. And soooo hard on the parents who are also working and hold down the fort at home! There are so many things to think about and consider. It took some time to see what would work for my students and their parents, but I feel like we are really in the groove of things! As I plan my lessons each week, I have to think about what materials they will need and get it to them in advance. Many things have already been sent home for them to use. But, as we move along through our content, new things are needed. One thing that I sent home for this round of Virtual Learning was a Math Toolkit.
We started the school year out virtually for the first three weeks. Then we finally got to come to school in person for two and a half weeks before we had to switch back to virtual learning. This time, I decided to send the students home with their math toolkits. We had been using them in class, so I figured I may as well send them home so the students will have a set of manipulatives to use during math lessons.
The Math Toolkits have proven to be a super handy was to keep manipulatives at their finger tips, while also giving them individual materials that they won't be sharing with anyone else. We started out with some basic things and can add whatever we need as we go along. Right now, here is what the students have in their toolkits:
a ten frame
foam die
red and white counters
foam square tiles
The Math Toolkits have been a great addition to their supplies at home. We are able to use them during live sessions and it also gives the students access to materials while they work independently. We did have some serious talks about taking care of our materials. Once we return to school face-to-face, the students understand that they will be bringing their toolkits back to school so we can use them there.
Have you made toolkits for your students? What did you include? Any tips or suggestions for things I could add in later?
Mini Classroom Makeover: Student Desks
Before Painting |
💜💛💚💙The Finished Project💙💚💛💜 |
The "Blah" Before Pic--Ignore all the messes in the background. Students were just coming in for a transition day that was planned on the fly. lol |
Alphabet Crowns
Kindergarteners LOVE hats! Hats are a fun way to celebrate learning and we make them any chance we get! Two of our favorites are the crayon hats as we learn about our colors (you have seen those several times) and our letter hats.
Here are the super cute crayon hats we love! Click the picture to go to this FREEBIE! |
Over the years, I have used several different things for letter hats. If I find a newer version that I like better I use it. Currently, I am using these Alphabet Crowns from Teacher's Breathing Space. They are very inexpensive and the file includes all 26 letters of the alphabet!
As we learn about a letter and the sound it makes, one of our activities is to make this crown! I love it because the students are actually practicing uppercase and lowercase letter formation, identifying pictures that begin with that sound, and distinguishing the difference in the upper- and lowercase letters. So, they complete a few quick practice activities, cut them out, glue onto a sentence strip, and I staple it to fit on their head.
The kids look so cute walking around school in their letter crowns! They often wear them everywhere they go and their parents love to pick them up at the end of the day while they wear them because they make a great conversation piece. They already know what letter they learned about that day and they can ask their student what sound the letter makes and discuss what else they know about it!
The alphabet crowns include the same activities for each letter, so it becomes a project the students can learn to do completely on their own! These have even been great to send home during distance learning and the students would wear them to our live sessions! If you are looking for a way to make learning letters and sounds fun, I definitely recommend these letter crowns. It gets the students excited, is great practice, and keeps them engaged in learning.
Back to School-Face to Face
I have several students who did not have any sort of school or daycare experience, so they didn't know how to walk in a line, share, sit at a desk or table, etc. For anyone that hasn't taught kinder before, this is a very big deal! My students were eager and ready to learn, yet we had to slow things down and learn some back to school basics that I'm not typically teaching in October.
So many things are different at school, so there were lots of new procedures to teach. Here are some major changes we have at school this year.
1. Everyone must have their temperature checked before entering the school. I think this is pretty standard for a lot of places these days, but it still seems odd.
2.We have a restroom in our classroom, so it must be sanitized after each student uses it. Yes, this takes a lot of time.
3. Our classroom has sanitizer and soap everywhere so it's easily accessible to the kids.
4. Students must be socially distanced during breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria. To do this, all tables were removed from the cafeteria and replaced with desks that were placed 6 feet apart. Also, this wasn't enough space to accommodate our students, so desks were also placed 6 feet apart in the gym and meals are served there.
5. There are directional arrows in the hallways as well as lines marking 6 feet apart to help with lining up and walking down the hall.
6. Masks must be worn by students in grades 1-6. Lower grades do not have to wear a mask, but they must be socially distanced.
7. During car rider pickups (after buses have left), students must wait in the classroom until their name is called. In previous years, we had them all grouped together in one place and waiting together. This has made my work day a little longer, but each day has gotten better and we have gotten the kids to their vehicles in an efficient manner.
One of my students, ready for lunch! |
There are tons of other smaller changes happening, but those are the biggies that I feel affect us the most. Things are very different, but the staff at my school is working hard to make the most of it. Overall, the kids are so excited to be back in school! Many haven't seen their friends in more than 6 months! In the midst of the madness, I've tried my best to find some sense of normalcy for my students. Here's a little of what I'm doing.
1. Procedures, Procedures, Procedures
Kids need the structure. I need the structure. And with all the extra health and safety concerns we have right now, there isn't room for error. We started our procedures on day one and practice them everyday. We have procedures for everything! There are procedures for wearing masks, lining up, walking in line, sitting down for breakfast and lunch, bathroom and playground sanitizing, etc. It all felt very overwhelming the first day, but once we started working it all into our routine, it just feels like part of our day now.
2. Mask Wearing
My kindergarten students aren't "required" to wear masks, however they must be socially distanced at all times if not wearing one. This just isn't possible given the number of students I have attending in person and the space I have in my classroom. Fortunately, I was able to space their desks out so that if they are sitting properly (facing forward, bottom in their seat, and feet on the floor under their desk) then they can remove their mask. If they turn around in their seat or get up and move, they must mask up. This has allowed them to take a break from the mask so they can breathe and their poor little ears aren't hurting from the mask wearing. I basically moved all furniture to the walls, then had to remove my classroom rug, and this gave me the optimum amount of space in my classroom to spread out their desks. It's definitely not our typical kindergarten classroom, but it has allowed them to be present, listen to a story at their desk without having to wear a mask, and work at their desk without having to wear a mask.
3. Playground Time
From day one, all my students wanted to know about was the playground! lol They can't wait to get out there and play with their new friends. I'm thankful that we are able to go out and play. My students do have to wear their mask out on the playground. Each child sanitizes their hands before and after using the playground equipment. I also have to sanitize the equipment. It's a little extra work, but totally worth the extra effort for these kids to get this social interaction!
4. Restroom Use
I have a restroom in my classroom. So, I have to keep a restroom log each time a student uses the restroom. The log has their names and lists the times they went. Also, the restroom must be sanitized after each student uses it. I'll be the first to admit that this is a headache. But, if it keeps my kiddos safe and healthy, I'll do it with a smile! Of course, extra sanitizing and cleaning such as this cuts into instructional time, but this is something that is out of my control.
5. Student Supplies
All students have individual supplies in their desk. I typically keep the scissors and glue out of their desks because issues always arise, but I don't have much of a choice this year. They each have a crayon box with crayons, scissors, glue sticks, pencils, highlighters, and a dry erase marker. Nobody is allowed to share or be in someone else's crayon box. In their desk, they also have an additional crayon box that is their math toolkit and contains an individual supply of math manipulatives. In addition, there is a basket in their desk that we use to put their work when completed. The basket also hold their writing journal and stays in their desk at all times. I will be the first to admit that this is a lot of supplies to manage for them. It's still a work in progress to have them to get out only what they need and not play with the other supplies. These are all supplies that they need access to and this ensures that nobody is sharing anything and they all have their own.
Hard at work and taking a mask break! |
My biggest piece of advice to teachers going back to school in person is to sanitize everything and be prepared with procedures for everything. There will be plenty of things that come up along the way and might catch you off guard, but you'll figure it out and get through it. There is a learning curve, so give it a few days and things will smooth out. You'll find a way to do most of the things you're used to doing, you might just need to modify and do a little extra prep work.
I feel like this post is all over the place. There is so much to take in and I'm still digesting everything from last week. Good luck to all teachers going back in person and to those of you already rocking it! You are amazing and you can do it! How is your school year going? Do you have any tips or tricks for in person learning to share with us? Any specific questions for me?
We now take our group photos with masks on! 😷 |
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