Hi, I'm Heather! (aka Ms. Horn to my Kinderbabies), I teach kindergarten, and am crazy about it! I was born and raised in Kentucky where I still reside and bleed blue—Go Wildcats! Teaching is my passion and what I LOVE LOVE LOVE to do! I love kids and being around them and it makes me feel happy, whole, and complete inside! Kids are so full of life and carefree that I couldn’t imagine a different group of people that I would want to spend all day with! <3
I have officially been teaching for 13 years and the past 12 of those years have been spent in kindergarten—my favorite place to be! I have had experience with grades K-8 through various positions including my student teaching, substitute teaching (several times I was a long-term sub for different grade level positions), and as an interventionist at the elementary level. Prior to teaching kindergarten, I taught 5th grade for one year--talk about culture shock when moving from 5th to kindergarten! Whew!
I’ve always enjoyed writing, but as an adult I haven’t really found an outlet for that. So, I’m hoping that with this blog I can write about doing the things I truly love! I don’t claim to be the best teacher or know it all. I just love to share ideas and collaborate with others. Teachers are great at sharing! Hope you enjoy my blog!
This is a pic I took with my little brother on Historical Day when he was in kindergarten and I was his teacher. We were Sally Ride and Neil Armstrong! |
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